Man, nature's foe and friend

An episode from the series NATURE IN PEACE

Format: 4K
Duration: 52’
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Available versions: French | English
Rights: All Rights | Worldwide


The Shuklaphanta Reserve is the first national park created in Nepal in 1973. This area is exceptional on many accounts, including its diverse landscapes and hundreds of animal species - 22 critically endangered. It may look like a mix of Europe and Africa, yet we are indeed in the heart of Asia.

The reserve is a small paradise. Despite human pressure, it has managed to strive to offer wildlife a haven. However, the fragile cohabitation is a daily struggle for associations and park rangers who must raise awareness and educate the people about the advantages of co-existing with Nature.

If the nearby inhabitants’ quality of life improves, the need to plunder the forest will diminish, and the kingdom of Shuklaphanta can look forward to a bright future.