The last battle of a remarkable warlord
Format: SD 4/3
Duration: 90’
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Available versions: French | English
Rights: All Rights | Worldwide
Production: INTERSCOOP
For 20 years, Commander Massoud was the symbol of the Afghan resistance.
In 1997, journalist Christophe de Ponfilly, a friend of Massoud's, returned to Afghanistan to follow the commander as he was preparing an offensive against the Taliban. The result is an exceptional portrait of a charismatic figure, a remarkable warlord at the time of his last battle.
This is a fighter continually on the breach, encircled, solitary, who trains villagers to defend themselves. Commander Massoud never ceased to fight the Taliban and to express his concern to Westerners about the rise of fundamentalism and fanaticism.
The terrible attacks of 9/11, will unfortunately prove him right.